(To view our September/October 2017 issue of ClubWEST online, click here.)
“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”
– Benjamin Franklin
We all subject our family members and friends to whining.
Even the most level-headed among us break down and succumb to a little self-pitying once in a while. It feels cleansing, somehow.
But if you are in a rut or feel like you need a little boost, I am here to tell you to contact Werner Unger (wunger@cogeco.ca) at the Grimsby/Lincoln Special Olympics and volunteer some time.
Now, one might think it seems peculiar to add an element to what may already be a hectic schedule – that may be part of what has you feeling under pressure – but after one hour of working with these local athletes will clearly show you life is good. Life is what you make it.
When preparing this month’s story to note the steady growth over the 10-year existence of the Grimsby/Lincoln Chapter, I ventured down to Grimsby Secondary School for a photoshoot and series of interviews. Athletes were everywhere across the grounds – after running some sprints as part of warm-up. Some of the participants were quite young, most in their teens, and a couple were adults. No matter their age, they all= had a blast.
This was serious stuff for them and, since the provincial Special Olympics was held in July, some of then fully realize that effort manifests itself in results. Grimsby/Lincoln athletes earned a bunch of medals representing their communities and families very well. Congratulations to all for their efforts there!
As well, the parents and volunteers who make the organization go are deserving of appreciation. As noted in my feature, what started as a handful of athletes now numbers over 90 – very impressive.
Seeing these athletes in their element, working hard and taking great pride in what for many would feel to be a simple achievement, gives one pause to reflect and take stock in what we do have in our everyday lives.
As well in this edition readers will see the storied, 150-year legacy of St. Joe’s Church. Impressive to be sure. As well, for the foodies in the crowd, we have provided a “Best Of ” for Chef Jan Stulp’s “Chef In Residence” feature. Presented in this edition are the most talked about and commented recipes in the nearly three years he has been penning that feature.
Travel writer Lorraine Simpson takes you on a tasty tour of Italy – how could it be otherwise – and Beamsville’s own Brent Bochek highlights the exploits of a recent fishing venture. All in all, a diverse and intriguing effort. Enjoy!
Publisher, ClubWest Magazine
Mike Williscraft